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Asus 9800 Gtx Driver For Mac

카테고리 없음

by prunexadser1970 2020. 3. 22. 21:15


NOTE: This is currently a not tested beta project which is why I need beta testers. Please make sure you have a backup of your data, and to be safe do not use it on your primary install What I basically need is beta testers that own 9800GTX cards and are willing to install Leopard OSx86 to test out this installer. This installer is based on aqua-mac's procedure for getting the 9800GTX card working on OSx86. This installer basically automates the entire process, run the installer, reboot and your 9800GTX should be fully working. It uses aqua-mac's original set of replacements kexts and modified NVinject for 9800GTX.

I cannot test this installer myself, as I do not have a 9800GTX to test it with, which is why I am asking that others who do have the card test it so I can finalize it and make a stable release. I have made everything as safe as possible, all the permissions have been set right, and backups are automatically made in case something goes wrong. Download the installer ZIP (21.3MB).

All I ask that if you test it, whether you are successful or not, please post here saying what worked/what didn't/any improvements that could have been made. If enough people chime in, then this will be finalized so it can be used without worry! Thank you both a lot for testing! The first thing that needs to happen is, while it could be the fault of the installer, we don't know for sure. So for both of your, what I suggest is that you try aqua-mac's MANUAL method of getting it working and see if it works. If you get the same result doing it manually then its probably not a problem with the installer Thank you very much! Alexlyc, yes it is using all the ORIGINAL files from Aqua Mac's package.

Asus 9800 Gtx Driver For Macbook Pro

Asus 9800 Gtx Driver For Mac

Nothing has been modified, its all just been combined into one easy installer. BTW: You MUST have the 10.5.2 update and Leo Graphics Update installed for this to work. I forgot to add this note in the important information screen of the installer but just make sure. After 1 day and a half of try and fail tests, finally it works (Fully recognized + Q/E Enabled) I'm using Kalyway 10.5.2 ISO and there are thingies that maybe result useful: - Download and install the Leopard Graphics Update (just to be sure) - Delete any nvidia and related kexts. Use the installer (i was installing the kexts with kexthelper and finally realize that 1 or more kexts were not installed succesfully) - Do the GFX Strings procedure (try to not change the card's name) - Search and delete any trace of NVInject and Natit (leave the nvidia kexts alone) - Repair permissions, rebuild cache, reboot and cross your fingers.

Asus 9800 Gtx Driver For Mac Download

PD Nice job pcwiz!